"Sir Cheatsalot" Tiger Woods made his way to Augusta yesterday for a practice round gearing up for the Masters this weekend. He looked back in his element. No longer the poor schmo gracing the pages of the tabloids with yet another woman claiming that they got it on with El Tigre. I, for one, am happy to see Tiger back on the course. This is where he is the most comfortable and where he should be. Funny thing, when Tiger was away from golf I didn't think there was a chance he could win, however when I see him hit golf balls during the practice round I start to believe more and more then he can not only make the cut but win. To me, even if he does win it won't make the beating or "car accident" go away and with the number of women who keep coming out you know that problem won't go away. He's getting a pass this week at the masters with the controlled enviorment. Let's see how he does when the cheers turn to heckles and the questions are more personal and persistant. What's your thought on Tiger?
Much Luck,
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